The sole purpose of this write up is to give a brief idea on Ayurveda & also to understand the importance of Ayurvedic treatment for..
Does the name She Ayurveda strike a chord in your mind? Come let’s get to know more about “She Ayurveda”. Well, She Ayurveda– Women wellness..
Are you in search of physiotherapy for women? But confused which is the best women wellness center offering the best physiotherapy for women. Our aim..
“Calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence, so that’s very important for good health.” Let us start this blog with the golden words by Dalai..
The most astonished feeling for a woman is when she realizes the fact that she is pregnant. It is actually the rise of another phase..
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Get the best Ayurvedic Monsoon treatment and stay healthy in Monsoons
Karkidakam is the last Malayalam month which falls during July or August and also is the peak of the Monsoon season which as per Ayurveda..
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Get into the fitness regime with Ayurveda!
Been thinking of getting the fit of late? – What better option than Ayurvedic treatments in Calicut at She Ayurveda? As one of the world’s..
On your wedding day you should look amazing. For this you should pamper yourself months before your wedding the natural way – with Ayurvedic care!..
ayurveda in Calicut, ayurveda treatment center in Calicut, Ayurvedic treatment for women, Beauty Treatments in Calicut, Women wellness center
Morning sickness – How to tackle it?
Morning sickness affects more than 60% of pregnant women and is a common issue during pregnancy. Nausea and vomiting can be one of the first..
The holistic science of Ayurveda gives great emphasis on the natural wellness of a woman. Both her outer as well as inner beauty are taken..